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When you're in the immediate aftermath of a devastating loss it is hard to know where to turn for help. This article is here to help you navigate the options so that you can find the emotional support you need now.


Loss comes to us in many ways so there is no one type of help that works for everybody. Grief is the natural and normal response to loss but people rarely know how to support someone who is grieving so getting professional support can be really helpful and doesn't suggest there's a problem with you. 


If you are feeling desperate and can't bare the pain of living since loss came into your life, the Samaritans are at the other end of the phone to support you. Call them now on 116123.


It's possible to find support for a specific loss. It can be a relief to talk to someone who has experienced something similar.


found it reassuring when I joined the Family Court Superheroes and learnt about other people's experiences of loss through the family courts. I realised that I wasn't going mad! It enabled me to name the pain of what I had experienced and was part of the jigsaw puzzle of understanding and coming to terms with what had happened. It can be very reassuring to know that you are not alone.


It's important to remember that no two losses are the same – every relationship is unique so no-one knows how you feel – only you know that. 


Here are some organisations that might be able to help you.

If your baby has died

If you have experienced a bereavement ...

Baby loss

death of a child

young and widowed






hidden grief...




Unexpected death


Anticipated death





grief yoga, 




There is lots that we can do to take care of ourself when 


ow to Get Help After a Loss

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