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Have you ever wondered what will happen to the people you care about when you are gone?

This is a common concern, but how many of us have put in place all the documents that will make it easier for the people we leave behind?

These thoughts can frighten us and it's a natural reaction to push them away, but when we sit with the fear, we discover there is a lot we can do now to make sure we are cared for in a way that matches our values thereby allowing us to die as we have lived.
Have you ever worried that you
might end up in hospital surrounded by
equipment that's helping you breath, pee and
eat but you no-longer have the capacity to recognise
your loved ones, and you are not sure you want this?
Book Now
It's important to me that everyone who wants support is able to get it.
The cost reflects both your ability to pay and your commitment to your journey or process, as well as my expertise, time and support. It's easy to spend a lot of money on things that don't nourish us. When you invest in your peace of mind and the wellbeing of those who come after you, your focus shifts towards taking care of yourself and your descendents, and you are more likely to fully benefit from the programme you've embarked on and find the peace of mind you are looking for.
There's no shame in financial hardship, and a little bit of creativity will get you the help you need. I have found that by prioritising my emotional well-being, I have found ways to pay for the support I've wanted, even when finances have been difficult. I encourage you to prioritise your well-being.
I launched the Bean Nighe Circle Online Community to provide consistent support at an affordable price. The community connects you to other people who are navigating loss and confronting death.
Value to you:
Start the Week Well – Live every Monday with me to support you to get the work of healing or end of life planning underway.
Weekly live Yoga Nidra meditation.
Monthly Q&A – ask anything about grief and end of life planning.
Resource Library and regular training sessions.
Community of friends where you will be able to find someone to buddy up with and share the grief recovery journey if you're not planning to work with a specialist.
Discounts on the Grief Recovery Programme, End of Life Planning Programme and Retreats.
Your investment
£25 per month
End of Life Planning 1–1
The first session is free to give you the opportunity to find out whether it's going to be the most supportive programme for you.
The first session is free to give you the opportunity to find out whether it's going to be the most supportive programme for you.
Bean Nighe Community Members
Further sessions £130 each
Further sessions – £85 each

When I was fifteen, I did my work experience in a local hospice. I met three women who inspired me to do the work that I am doing now.
I was called to the bedside of a woman very close to death. Her husband was very distressed and the nurse asked me to sit with her while she took him aside to comfort him. I leant over the bed and introduced myself. The woman opened her eyes, 'hello, I am Isobel.' She died shortly after this. I learnt that we are ourselves even in death.
Another lady, Jean, would often ask me to do her hair and make-up. She and her husband laughed, a little too raucously, about when she was going to 'pop off'. Her make-up looked ever more gaudy as she approached death, her laugh more hollow. I learnt that death comes to us even when we are afraid of it.
The third woman, Hope, approached her death with all the qualities of her name. She reflected quietly on her life, spoke candidly about her approaching death, took up painting and discovered that she was a skilled artist. I learnt that death can be our friend and we can continue to live as we die.
I would like to help you befriend death so that you can flourish in your life. This isn't a morbid invitation, but a welcome into the peace that comes with having made plans for your loved ones, empowerment that comes with making decisions about your own end of life wishes, and freedom to live fearlessly all the dreams that are burgeoning in your soul.
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